Earth Day


As both philosophy and practice, Earth Jurisprudence calls for a radical transformation from human-centred to Earth-centred ways of being in the world; for us to heal our broken relationship with the web of life.

As both faith and discipleship, the Kin[g]dom of God calls for a profound paradigm shift from absorption in individualism and egotism to contributing in harmony to the symbiotic earth community entire. 

The core message of the incarnation of God in Jesus is that creativity is inherent, in us and in all creation, and not “over there” in some far-off realm. 

First, don’t be upset. Nothing happens that isn’t in accord with universal nature, and before long you won’t exist at all, just like your heroes… 

Second, fix your gaze on the matter at hand and see it for what it is, and then, keeping in your mind your obligation to be a good person and the demands of your humanity, go right ahead and do it, in the way that seems to you to be most just. 

But do everything with kindness and modesty, without dissembling.

Breaking fresh ground through all the challeng-ing tedious repetitive tasks, the fool rushes in again, deciphering earth’s fearful angelic impulses, and threading boldly through Online’s scattered riches to bring heaven’s impact down to planet earth.



Provocative enough to force the cry ‘O My God!’
at every shock or surprise.
Evocative enough to shape a purpose
as we question life’s meaning.
Vocative enough to fashion a life’s pattern
for each of us to follow.
Thus our open minds conceive
a new consciousness that contains, companionably,
vast mystery and everyday reality,
hidden behind that simple human metaphor.

As that full force, ‘I Am’, dawns upon us
we see the whole ever in all parts,
creation flowing as eternal life,
finding form and manifestation
in elements, galaxies, animals, plants, 
humans and all the endless faces
emerging from and speaking through that
tiny metaphor of one self-emptying ‘God’,
infusing inherent dignity in all,
deserving our respect and appreciation.

Once expressed as: “Everything is a holon
—a part that replicates the whole,”
now we see how anyone can come to sense God, 
starting with humble and simple things,
moving inspirationally on from there. 
Meaning in our life is found in a first step,
ascending to find ourselves materially entire, 
as energised-spirit flowing as creative crafting
of the wisdom and benevolence shining
forth in all created and evolving things.

First, love ocean rocks and earth’s elements. 
Then, trees, plants, animals, birds, humans, 
sensing a mysterious symbiotic harmony. 
Discover in conscious human awakening
to innate beauty and goodness in all creation,
that we can now enjoy divine flow in all nature.
Force of life in that rich metaphor unites everything 
in universal attraction and appreciation. 
Enlightenment helps questioning minds
acknowledge all nature in that brief metaphor.

*Gathered & Refashioned From Online’s Sundry Sources 

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